Well, I have proven to be a terrible blogger. It's true. But I have loved following other people's blogs! Does that count?
So it being a new year and all, I've decided to turn a new leaf, and actually use this space of internet that declares "The Greater Rescue" and share with y'all the 90 day experiment Brett and I and then me and some of the Elon College Life gals have been doing called "Champagne for the Soul."
Basically, the concept is to spend 90 days intentionally pursuing joy and claiming it in your life.
On day ten, Brett casually mentioned to me, "You know, we don't do much with this, but I swear I really am more joyful." It's crazy, y'all, it's changing our lives.
So every day we read 2 pages out of Mike Mason's book "Champagne for the Soul" and then I post a little tid bit about it on a facebook thread between me and the girls. Which is where the blogging is going to come back in.
I'm going to put all 90 days on this blog. And it's going to be awesome. And anyone in the world who wants to can do this experiment along with me and my small little group of people doing it.
That is, if you're willing for your life to really be changed.