Friday, January 25, 2008

Veritas or Vera Bradley?

"If you look for truth, you might find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get comfort OR truth--only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin with and, in the end, despair." -C.S. Lewis

My mom gave me a year-long C.S. Lewis book and I love it because I can handle Lewis in small bits, but can't read a whole book of his to save my life.

I love this quote--and am so encouraged by all of my friends and family who seek TRUTH in their lives even more than they seek comfort. It is true, isn't it? When we just want comfort, we can be let down so easily. But when we change our hearts and we seek TRUTH--the comfort is a natural result.

Comfort is so many things, and I'm the worst and thinking comfort is Vera Bradley or Starbucks or "if I could just sleep in"... and certainly, there is some comfort in those things. :) But the LASTING comfort that I know is in Truth. Jesus.

His love is my comfort and a truth I want to claim every day.

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