Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Surrender is in seeking and waiting.

Now: it's Christmas. And at Christmas we do a lot of seeking. For presents, cheap plane tickets, different families to visit (haha)....

And we DON'T do much waiting. We order online, drive over the speed limit, get mad when it takes more than 5 minutes to go through the Biscuitville drive-through (that was me this morning).

Here's where God's got me this Christmas:

Seek HIM. Howard Baker quote: "Seek the One, and the many will be taken care of."

WAIT. Advent, is afterall, the season of waiting for the birth of the Messiah. The One who RESCUES US.

Praying that surrendering will be a joy as much a challenge for y'all as it has been for me this Christmas!!!

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